Oleksandra Tverezovska is a PhD student of the specialty “Finance, Banking and Insurance” at the University of Foggia, Italy. Her research interests are investments, financial stability, public-private partnership, financial inclusion, economic development, financial security, and financial management directions. Approximately twenty her scientific works have already been published in periodicals, professional editions, journals registered in databases Web of Science, and collections of the scientific conferences. Additionally, Oleksandra has the second bachelor`s degree in field of Philology: English and German languages, she can speak English, German, Italian, Ukrainian, Polish, Russian. She was involved in various international projects and conferences in Lithuania, Poland, Montenegro Czech Republic, received a national scholarship from the Latvian Government for studying at the University of Latvia, participated in different youth exchanges in the framework of Erasmus in North Macedonia and Italy, joined different virtual mobility projects. Oleksandra is the project management assistant at the UniFG for the international research project “VEHUB4YOU – Virtual youth business hubs international network”.